Tuesday, August 19, 2014

End of July-Mid Aug

Aug 19, 2014

 We are getting more and more adjusted here so it's really nice. This Internal Medicine rotation has been quite the adjustment tho.  I was really enjoying the time we had to spend with Sam when he'd get home early a couple days a week and didn't work weekends. It was great being able to get out and explore things as a family.  Sam's amazing tho and such a hard worker.  Early days on Int Med are basically he could get home at 7pm instead of 8-10pm.  Ha but at least it's something and a couple days he's gotten home a little earlier than that in time to eat dinner with us.  The kids have definitely missed having him around so much.  Especially Ben.  He's more used to it now, but for the first couple weeks he'd wake up in the morning and look around and one of the first things he'd do is to walk over to our room and ask, "Where's Daddy?" "Daddy sleeping?".  It was so sweet he really missed his daddy.  And if ever he was sad during the day he'd always ask for Sam.  When Sam gets home, he's the hero everyone looks forward to seeing. After a long day with me, the boys are ready to play with him. We go out and do things of course and try to stay busy. But you know how some days are just long and it's always great when Dad gets home. The mood just brightens in the house and we're all happier!
 Sam has had to work all Sundays but one this month so that means I've taken the boys to church myself, which I was really not looking forward to. Aaron and Ben have never been that good for church. It's difficult to get them to be reverent or sit still. We end up taking them out to the hall a lot. I know other kids are not always good either, but sometimes I look around at other families with kids that just sit there quietly, I wish my boys would do that too.  Aaron has gotten much better at church! As long as Ben doesn't bother him, he has coloring to do, or a toy and snacks to keep him distracted we are good.  The first Sunday my friend Courtney and her baby sat with us, since her husband was working too.  I was nervous and she said she'd sit with us in case I had to take one of them out.  But he was so good she hardly had to do anything when I was dealing with Ben in the hall.  And the following Sunday Aaron was just fine sitting all by himself being quiet while I was out with Ben, periodically sticking my head through the door to check on him.
 It used to really bother me on Sundays how stressful sacrament meeting can be. I feel like I'm just so focused on keeping the boys quiet that I don't really feel the spirit like I'd like to. And I even have left sacrament meeting feeling really discouraged and frustrated that the kids weren't behaving well.  I didn't like that feeling at all. Church should help us feel good inside and help us feel closer to the Savior. But I felt like for me that was just not happening. Through experience, I'm learning tho that it's ok. Maybe church right now isn't always going to be for me, but for the kids.  They know that every Sunday we are going to church and they do love it. Aaron loves going to Primary and Ben enjoys playing at Nursery.  And I know in their little ways, that they can feel the spirit and we're teaching them that we always go to church. One of the Sundays, Aaron was really sad and said, "Why is Dad never coming with us?" And I was able to talk to him about with Daddy's work, it's not always going to work for him to come with us. But we always have to go, even if Dad can't come. And he was so cute and said, "Ok mommy."

 I really appreciated the message the Stake President gave in sacrament meeting this last Sunday as part of Ward Conference.  He's a doctor with a fairly young family and was remembering the days and how it's not always easy, battling the kids and thinking why am I even here? I don't even get much out of church. But his message was just really comforting and exactly what I needed to hear.  It was one of love, understanding, and encouragement that we're here doing what the Lord wants us to be doing. And I feel so blessed to be a mom and be able to teach my kids these things.  I can feel Him helping me all the time, especially when Sam's not always around and I am taking the kids to church myself and doing FHE with them. I've felt a difference at home as we've kept doing that and reading scriptures even when Sam's not home to do it with us.
 Ben's bike finally did come in the mail and he was so excited when it did! It's been fun that the boys have been able to ride together and do something that they like together. Lot's of days we drive over to Kiln Creek Park and the kids can ride the bikes together and there's usually some other kids to see and Aaron loves that.  If other kids aren't there, he says, "Mom, where are my friends?" :)
 On Aug 9th, our old friends from the Village, Gary and Amber Finnegan came over and we went to Buckroe Beach together. They live here in VA as well for Gary's work up near D.C. So they came down and it was really fun to see them! Sam had work but since it was Saturday he got done early in time to come with us for a bit, before leaving to go help teach a lesson with the missionaries.  It was really fun talking with old friends. I realized how much I've missed hanging out and chatting with friends. I am slowly getting to know the girls in the ward tho so that's good. I'll get there eventually. And then it will be time to move back to Utah :) ha jk.
 Aaron had fun playing with Collin and it was fun to see each others' kids and how they've grown.  Their little girl Ellie is super cute! Every time we're around little girls I keep hoping we'll have a little girl someday :) Amber is such a great friend and used to be my visiting teacher. So it was great catching up. Hopefully we'll be able to get together again soon.
 About a month ago I decided to just take away Ben's binky. I took Aaron's away at 2, knew it was going to be hard but had to happen. He was pretty attached to it so I was nervous that it'd take a while for him to adjust. We also put away the pac n play (since he'd clearly outgrown it he was head to toe in that thing).  It is soooo much easier putting him to bed now I actually enjoy it.  We read books, sing songs, and pray and he's good to go. I decided to lock his door since he'd keep getting out and it'd be 10pm and he'd still not be asleep.  For a couple weeks the routine would be that i'd put him to bed, he'd eventually fall asleep right by his door, and we'd move him later when putting Aaron in his bed. Now he falls asleep on his bed with very little fuss.
 Aaron is all ready for Preschool and he's really excited! Keeps asking if it's time yet. Last week we had to take him to the Dr to get his school Physical Exam and he had to get some shots. It was pretty sad he had to get poked so many times but was a trooper and did pretty good.  His legs were so sore tho that he was limping around for 2 days! I got it on video and it was sad but mad me laugh!
 I also got him a new back pack, lunch box, and underwear for school.  (Hoping that the new underwear will help him to be excited about being a big boy and doing good at school with that).

Last Saturday, on Aug 16, I was able to take the boys and go to Ward Temple Day at the D.C. Temple.  A few people from the ward came with us. Emerald, who's a girl who lives in our apartment complex her husband is in Med School on an away rotation right now. And this really nice lady named Audrey and her daughter Amie.  They were so nice and also helped out with the boys in the car.  We left at 6:30am and it took like 2.5 hours to get there.  The session was really nice and the temple is so pretty!  The kids were at the visitor's center with the youth watching them. So grateful they did that or else I probly wouldn't have been able to go since Sam had work. After the session, we took some pics, checked out the traffic and decided we'd better get going traffic wasn't looking good.  We decided on a different route, which took like 4 hours for us to get home.  The boys were so good, they watched some movies and the girls and I visited. It was fun getting to know them.  I'm grateful we could go to the temple and the boys could come see it too! I'm excited for when we can go back with Sam.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our New Adventure in Newport News, VA

We recently decided that it would be good to keep a journal of our time here in Virginia. At least keep updates by month and more if possible. I thought it would be a good way for me to start a blog. Which i've tried before and wanted to do but then just didn't get to it. So I'm trying it out and hopefully it will also be a fun way to share our experiences with friends and family back home!


On June 15 we set out on our long 3 day journey to Newport News, VA.  We went to breakfast with Mom and Dad then off we went.  The boys were really good on the drive! They did so well for how long they were in the car! About 10 hours one day, 12 hours, then about 8 hours the final day. We arrived on Sunday evening and they were definitely excited to get out of the car and we were glad to finally be here.  It was really exciting especially the first month being here.  
I was so grateful Sam was here and didn’t have to work yet. I couldn’t imagine getting everything unpacked and gathering furniture without him.  We found a table at the thrift store, couches from someone in V.A. Beach area, bought chairs at Costco, and the best/funniest place we found something… the dumpster!  Sam pretty much jumped into the dumpster to grab a tv stand table out.  It was awesome we were glad to get something for free! :)
We spent most of our free time exploring the beach, went down to the Yorktown beach a few times, went to V.A. beach once, and met the neighbors Jim and Jean.  They’re an older couple that this right across from us. And they have a dog too. The boys have loved that! One Sunday after church, the door was open and Ben escaped out the door, ran over and threw himself into Jim’s door.  Of course they opened the door and Ben let himself in. Jim and Jean were super nice, ended up inviting us all in, and we talked for over an hour, the boys messed up their apartment, got out all the dog toys and Aaron stuffed his pockets with almost the entire candy tray.  I kept apologizing and Jean was so cute and told us a story that basically came down to “A clean house is a life wasted”. They’re the sweetest we had fun getting to know them better.
When Sam started work I was sad I wouldn’t get to have him around all the time, helping me out with the boys, and especially just to be able to go do fun things whenever and explore new places.  But we’ve been really lucky with this schedule this month.  His first rotation is Allergy.  Which originally was supposed to be a place holder he was going to change to Radiation Oncology but was told he wouldn’t be able to change till we got here.  Soon he found out that that was false and so he had to stick with Allergy. It’s turned out to be actually quite interesting to him, the doctor he’s working with is really nice, and one of the best parts is the schedule.  He works a couple full days and the other 3 are usually days he’ll get off after the lunch meeting and be home around 1 or 2pm.  It’s really great!  He hasn’t really had to spend that much time studying either so it’s really fun that when he’s home, he’s home.
We had the missionaries over for dinner once a week. Aaron and Ben really love it when they come too.

One night for FHE, Jenny Lewis from the ward texted me and invited us to go down to Newport News Park and ride paddle boats with their family.  It was really fun and so nice of them to invite us.  She and her husband Justin are really nice they both are part of the Army in the bands.  That’s how they met.  They have 3 kids, 2 boys around Aaron’s age and a little baby girl.  The boys had lots of fun on the paddle boats, except Ben kept wanting to jump in the water :) (which wasn’t allowed).


On July 1 Mom and Dad left for Canada for their mission. Seeing everyone’s picture with them before they left made me a little sad that we weren’t also there seeing them off. They arrived safe and have been super busy ever since.  Traveling to lots of places, meeting all the missionaries, and giving their welcome to them and getting to know them all.  Mom and Dad both are always saying what amazing missionaries they have and they’re doing so well.
Mom has had some weird dizziness issues that have bothered her a bit.  It’s happened twice where she feels really dizzy and can’t stand up without throwing up.  We fasted for her last Sunday and hope they get that under control and figured out.  
One stressful thing we were dealing with the past few months is my medicine. With getting onto medicaid and off my parents insurance, the medicine wasn’t covered so I have been off it for a while.  But finally I figured out that it would be covered with our new insurance and that we still qualify for the $0 copay so we get the medicine free this year.  What a blessing that saves quite a bit of money for us. So now i’m back on the medicine and relieved to have that figured out.

July 4th we hung out at the house for most the day and then we decided to go down to Yorktown Beach for the fireworks. I don’t know what I was expecting of the day but was kind of disappointed we didn’t get out and do much else that day. I think I have been so used to there always being lots going on like parades and stuff and had that same kind of thought for the day here.  Anyways we got to the fireworks and found a spot to sit right down by the beach it was great. The boys really loved it it was fun the fireworks were right over the water.  
Last Sunday, July 20, I taught the RS lesson on Baptism from the manual. I was really nervous and I know it wasn’t my best lesson. But it turned out pretty good and everyone was really nice and telling me it was good. Aaron has loved his Primary class.  His teacher is so nice and on our second Sunday here she even came to where we were sitting in sacrament and took him to class with her.  She’s really sweet and Aaron always comes out of primary holding lots of papers that you can tell she’s put so much effort in preparing for the kids to help them remember the lesson.
This is Sam’s final week of Allergy rotation.  Then next week he starts Internal Medicine.  He’s on that with Caleb so that might be fun for them to have that together. Apparently it’s going to be a bit of a rough schedule so i’ll prob have to hang out with Courtney a lot! I really hope he doesn’t have to work many Sundays. That seems to be the most difficult day with the boys, still need to figure out how to help them be reverent and still during sacrament.

July 18 was Ben’s Bday.  He turned 2! We can’t believe how fast that’s gone and that he’s already 2 years old! He’s got such a fun happy personality, learning to talk much more, and he’s always making us smile.  He and Aaron have gradually started to become better friends since all they have to play with is each other most the time. They still have their moments of course. But it’s really cute the times when they are talking and playing nicely together.
I was a bit emotional at times that day.  My parents called and I think I was just missing the family and sad no one would be here to celebrate with. My emotions were close to the surface most of the morning.
We were lame and hadn’t thought of something to get Ben till the actual day of his bday.  We wanted to get him some kind of scoot toy/bike. I went to a couple stores searching for something that would be good.  Finally we decided we didn’t want to get him just some toy that he’d grow out of quickly, so we found a strider bike similar to the one Aaron has only red.  Ben’s been practicing on Aaron’s bike for the last week and is picking it up quickly. I’m excited for them to have riding bikes as something fun they both have and can do together hopefully without contention :)
Today is July 25 and hopefully the bike will get here.  I’m anxious for him to have it and be able to go to parks or wherever and bring the bikes along. Lately when we go out for walks it’s just Aaron riding the bike and Ben running after him.  We did bring the scooter but that’s still too difficult for Ben.
This week I took Aaron in for his preschool screening appointment. There’s a preschool here for 4 year olds called First Step.  It’s a free program they offer here at several elementary schools.  Some of the locations are strictly preschool classes in the whole school. The program accepts students according to the highest need first then accepts others. Aaron did really well at the screening! So we’ll see if he’s put on the wait list or he gets in.  I’m really hoping he gets in.  I think it would be a great experience for him and he’d really like the structure and everything.  At home i’ve been trying to work a little bit with him too.  We’ve been using ABCmouse.com. (I signed up for a free month trial, which may turn into a membership. Especially if he doesn’t get into the preschool.)  Which has been fun and good for him i’ve already noticed an improvement on his counting especially. I for some reason was feeling a bit stressed out realizing that he wasn’t very good at counting and saying the ABC’s.  We’ve been going to the library once a week and I’ve really tried to help the kids enjoy reading and learning.  With the ABCmouse it’s good because there are fun games that he likes to play that are actually helpful.
Ben also has been loving the books.  He’s really good at just laying still in bed and listening to the book.  He’s not fidgety and I can tell he enjoys it.  He asks for books every time he takes a nap/goes to bed.  However, the actual process of going to the library with the kids can be a bit stressful.  Mainly with Ben. He doesn’t like being strapped in the stroller the whole time but if I let him be free he runs all over the place and is really loud. Not to mention it’s a double stroller so i’m pushing that huge thing through the isles of the library. Add Aaron not listening and doing what I ask on top of that and it can get frustrating.  I often get looks from other people, especially when the boys are having a moment.  There have been some nice people tho, who express their understanding when I apologize for the roudy-ness.  One time, the security guard (yup there's a security guard at the library), kept on eye on Ben while I went with Aaron to pick one last thing.  I’d love to let the boys explore, walk around to choose books and play with the legos/puzzles, but Ben is just not at that stage yet.